What kind of Photos are Best for my PopBookings Profile?

To best showcase yourself on PopBookings, read these article for tips!

Ready to get started on PopBookings? That's great! Upon creating a profile, you will notice we require at least 3 photos. If you are wondering what photos to put on your profile, below are some tips. 



First, you want to make sure you have at least one professional looking head shot.  If you don' t have a professionally done headshot, then a photo that shows your face with good lighting taken in a professional environment.
DO'S: Plain or professional background, high quality headshot, wearing business attire or modest outfit. 
DON'T'S: Selfies with filters, Sunglasses, Dim lighting, Bathroom mirror pictures, etc. 


Experience Photos

This tip depends on what kind of work you are looking to get on the app. Upload photos of you in the field working the types of jobs you want to get. 

If you don't have experience, no worries. Find a picture that showcases your personality or a picture of you working a similar position. 


Variety is key! 

Variety of different types of photos is best. This can showcase your versatility to people looking to hire you for gigs. 

Other great photos to have are ones that show how you carry yourself in general. We are not saying to be a model, but anyone can models themselves well in good photos! Here is some inspiration:


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