How do I submit paperwork to my agency?

To submit paperwork to a company you are working for on PopBookings, follow these easy steps!

With PopBookings, you can submit your paperwork through the app. To do so, follow the below steps: 

  1. Open the app or log in
  2. Click your profile picture or the hamburger menu on the app. 
  3. Click Important Documents.
  4. Click the agency you want to submit paperwork to. 
  5. Click the document you want to submit. 
  6. Upload or Sign/Agree to the document. 

What are "General" Documents? 

We have made it possible to store the most frequently requested documents (like resume and W-9 forms) to your profile for easy submission to multiple agencies.  

To Edit/Replace the existing general documents, follow these steps:

  1. Click the X next to the document you want to replace. 
  2. Click the upload icon to upload the replacement document file.

*NOTE: You will only be able to upload PDF of JPG files for security reasons. 

 Questions? Email us at