How do I edit my social media accounts on my PopBookings profile?

To edit the social media links listed on your PopBookings profile, follow these easy steps.

You can add in your social media accounts to your profile. To do so, follow the below steps:

  1. Open the app or log in at
  2. Click Account Settings for the hamburger menu on the mobile app.
  3. Click Edit Profile.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Under Social Media, enter in your social media links. 

NOTE: Be sure these are valid links to your social media! Broken links may lead to a bad first impression.

Pro Tip: Add as many accounts as you have! Agencies like to view your personality and the best way to showcase this is your social media presence. This can improve your chances at getting booked for more jobs (as long as you are being professional with your social media presence.)

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