How do I cancel a Recruit booking?

To cancel a talent booked as a PopBookings Recruit on an event, follow these simple steps.

We hold Recruit staff users to a high standard of reliability. Because of this, cancellation processes are different between non-confirmed Recruit bookings and confirmed Recruit bookings.

To cancel a Recruit booking:

  1. From the Event Dashboard, choose the event you would like to view by clicking on the name of the event.
  2. On the Event screen, select “TALENT BOOKING” from the bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Choose the “BOOKING” tab inside this page to see the shortlisted and booked staff for the event. Here you will see the Recruit talent you are wanting to un-book.
  4. Hover your cursor over the booked talent to get a red X to appear in the top right corner.
  5. Click this X followed by “Save & Confirm Booking” in the bottom right corner of the screen to initiate the cancellation process.

If the Recruit talent has not confirmed the booking:

  1. Clicking the red X will pop up a modal to confirm you are un-booking the correct staff and want to take that action.
  2. When you click continue, the talent will be fully unbooked from the event and you are done!

If the Recruit talent has confirmed the booking:

  1. Clicking the red X will pop up a modal to confirm you are un-booking the correct staff and want to take that action.     
  2. Once agreeing to the Cancellation Policy, you will need to give your reason for cancelling this user’s booking.                   
  3. The first two cancellation options are reasons internal to your agency. Choosing these options will require you to fill in the additional information section in the modal.
  4. Once submitted, the user will be un-booked and a refund (if applicable) will be sent.
  5. The third option places the reasoning for cancellation onto the Recruit talent, and the additional information section must be filled out. Clicking Submit will pull up an agreement that makes sure you know this will penalize the Recruit talent if submitted. In this scenario, the cancellation will fall under the Staff Cancellation Policy. 
  6. The fourth reason of "no call/no show" also places the reasoning on the staff user. This behavior is not tolerated on PopBookings and bans the user from PopBookings Recruit.

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